The goal of the ideaForum is to identify answers to most pertinent social and political challenges in Poland and on international scene. IdeaForum promotes the culture of dialogue between different ideological and political groups and proposes measures to build a democratic Poland, with a strong civil society, rule of law, firmly anchored in the European Union. Building on earlier programmes at the Batory Foundation – including Public Integrity, Your Voice, Your Choice, Open Europe and the Batory Foundation Debates – ideaForum combines expert and advocacy activities.
We seek to safeguard the independence of the judiciary. We advocate for democratisation of the Parliament as well as increasing quality and transparency of the legislative process. We provide solutions for an effective, apolitical and corruption-free public administration. We develop proposals for reforming electoral process to make it transparent and representative. We support strong local government. We build solutions for an integrated social policy addressing new challenges. We advocate for an effective EU policy of promoting and protecting European values in Poland and other member states. We provide a platform for discussions and building good relations with Poland’s Eastern neighbours.
The IdeaForum programme is organised around four areas that are essential for a well-functioning government and society:
- Democracy – political system, democratic processes, local self-government
- Rule of law – transparency and accountability, good governance
- Citizens – social justice, equality and anti-discrimination, civil society
- Europe – foreign and security policy, Poland’s position in Europe and the World
These guiding themes organise our publications, debates, as well as work of our Expert Groups.
We are a think-tank and a place for exchanging ideas, whose aim is to enhance civic agency and participation.
We gather a wide range of experts who analyse socio-political problems, identify risks and propose practical solutions.
We support community organisations, local governments and actors in political life with our knowledge and experience.
We believe in a strong community of free and equal people, irrespective of their origin, income, education, cultural and postal codes.
We defend democracy and the rule of law.
We serve a sovereign Poland, which pursues its objectives most fully as a member of the European Union.
We derive our strength from the experience of the Stefan Batory Foundation’s thirty years of service for the common good.
We are determined.