We propose solutions to make Poland’s foreign policy effective and to strengthen its standing within the European Union and on the World stage. We analyse foreign policy of Polish government and that of Poland’s partners. We draft policy proposals that help build good relations with our neighbours. We seek to strengthen our country’s participation in- and influence on EU’s external policy. In times when in Poland and in some other EU member states democracy and EU integration are being increasingly challenged, we emphasise the importance of devising common policies to protect the EU as a community of values.
We identify crucial challenges and recommend actions with respect to Poland’s relationship with Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. We pursue civic and expert dialogue with our Eastern neighbours. Together with the Renaissance Foundation in Ukraine we organise regular meetings of politicians, experts, and civil society as part of the Poland-Ukraine Forum. We participate in dialogue between the EU and Russia, including as a member of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum and Eastern Partnership Civil Sociate Forum.
Since the Russian aggression against Ukraine, in solidarity with Ukrainians and Ukrainians we are working for European support for their fight for freedom. We give voice to the citizens of Ukraine by organizing together with weekly magazine “Polityka” a series of debates “Voices of Ukraine”. We talk to Ukrainian experts, journalists and people of culture. We also publish analyzes devoted to the Ukrainian state and society, their place in the world and Europe after the war, and most efficient forms of support for those Ukrainian citizens who found shelter in Poland.