Apart from running its own grant programs, the Foundation administers endowed and time-limited funds entrusted by corporate or private donors.
In the case of an endowed fund, the Foundation invests fund’s capital and uses the earnings from the investment to support charitable objectives agreed with the donor. Time-limited funds are created for a time periods agreed to with the Foundation, with contributions from family members and friends, and – in case of Polish taxpayers – by 1,5% tax personal income tax designations.
Through the donor advised funds a donor can support a chosen program of the Foundation, projects geared to a specific local community (in the case of a company, e.g. in the locality where it operates, in the case of a private donor – in a region of Poland to which he/she feels connected) or to a selected group of recipients (children, youth, women, seniors, disabled persons). The donor can also specify goals (e.g. to fund an award or scholarship for young people).