

Russia’s war on Ukraine puts the entire future European order at risk. It is already forcing a profound reconsideration of the EU’s and its neighbours’ interests. The EU needs to devise a new approach to its neighbourhood, similar to the way in which it has rapidly enhanced its security and economic policies to respond to the threat. The EU should establish a Partnership for Enlargement that offers Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and Western Balkans states concrete steps towards deeper integration – writes Kai-Olaf Lang nad Piotr Buras.


When following the news on Russian aggression in Ukraine, we have no doubt that this is where the future is now being made, and that it will largely depend on the men and women of Ukraine. That is why we invite Ukrainian experts, publicists and journalists, as well as people of culture, to talk to us. What makes the Ukrainian resistance so effective, and why is the Ukrainian society so resilient? What are the limitations of a peace agreement? What do the Ukrainians want with regard to the European Union, NATO, and other alliances? What will the relations between Ukraine and its neighbouring countries be like? Let’s hear what they have to say!


We, the representatives of civil society organisations in Poland, strongly protest against the attack on independent Ukraine by the troops of the Russian Federation. We express solidarity with the citizens of Ukraine, forced to fight militarily in defence of their country, and all the victims of the aggression, which has been going on since 2014 and to this day has brought death to thousands of people while forcing millions to leave their homes. In this terrible hour of trial you are not alone!


Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, people fleeing attacks by Russian troops have been coming to Poland. They include Ukrainian citizens as well as people from other countries who have found their home in Ukraine. We should remember that they are all fleeing from the same enemy and are in the same situation. They must all be allowed into Poland and treated on an equal basis. Hence, both the actions at the border itself and the regulations planned by the Polish Government must extend the same level of assistance and protection to all those fleeing.


We launched the Ukraine Solidarity Fund that offers institutional support to social organisations that provide systematic and long-term assistance to people fleeing war in Ukraine. Grants can be awarded to organisations providing direct humanitarian, medical, legal, psychological, social assistance to people crossing the border, as well as those offering long-term support in Poland (including assistance in finding accommodation and employment, child care, adaptation to new conditions, etc.).