

Social organizations dealing with various aspects of the elections – including the Batory Foundation – have sent a letter to the OSCE, encouraging it to send a full observation mission to Poland to look not only at events on voting day and during the election campaign, but also at everything that takes place long before it officially begins.


The Supreme Administrative Court has issued a ruling on the Batory Foundation’s obligation to consider Ordo Iuris Foundation’s request for public information regarding the Citizens for Democracy programme carried out by the Foundation in 2013-2016 from the EEA Financial Mechanism (EEA Grants) 2009-2014. The ruling may affect the situation of many foundations in Poland.


Poland’s ministry of culture and national heritage recently announced an open competition recruiting for a new director of the Museum of Art (Muzeum Sztuki) in Łódź. This could be a chance to stave off the crisis that the government has created within the last few months. But there is one condition: the recruitment process itself must be well organised, with the person selected having the knowledge and competences to guarantee the smooth running of one of the most important cultural institutions not only in Poland, but in the whole region – writes Piotr Kosiewski.


Russia’s war on Ukraine puts the entire future European order at risk. It is already forcing a profound reconsideration of the EU’s and its neighbours’ interests. The EU needs to devise a new approach to its neighbourhood, similar to the way in which it has rapidly enhanced its security and economic policies to respond to the threat. The EU should establish a Partnership for Enlargement that offers Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and Western Balkans states concrete steps towards deeper integration – writes Kai-Olaf Lang nad Piotr Buras.


When following the news on Russian aggression in Ukraine, we have no doubt that this is where the future is now being made, and that it will largely depend on the men and women of Ukraine. That is why we invite Ukrainian experts, publicists and journalists, as well as people of culture, to talk to us. What makes the Ukrainian resistance so effective, and why is the Ukrainian society so resilient? What are the limitations of a peace agreement? What do the Ukrainians want with regard to the European Union, NATO, and other alliances? What will the relations between Ukraine and its neighbouring countries be like? Let’s hear what they have to say!