

We present a legal opinion prepared by professor Piotr Bogdanowicz about the consequences of the landmark ruling of the Court of Justice of the EU on the Poland’s National Council of the Judiciary and the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court.


As representatives of non-governmental organisations and scholars specialising in matters relating to the rule of law and the protection of human rights, we write this open letter so as to urge you to take immediate steps to stop the rapidly increasing legal chaos in Poland.


Lawyers of civil society group #FreeCourts Initiative comment of the current state of Rule of Law and recommend further intensive action by the European Union to provide judical protection. The most effective instrument has proved to be the EC’s complaint to the CJEU together with a request for an interim measure.


Ahead of negotiations of multiannual EU budget, the Batory Foundation initiates an advocacy campaign to increase EU funding for civil society organisations which promote and protect European values within the EU.


Instances of propaganda, picture and voice manipulation, false and fake news and hate speech were recorded during the monitoring of the main news programme of Polish public TV “Wiadomości”.