

The Central Government Fund for Local Investments created a divide into categories of “better” and “worse” or “our” and “your” local authorities. With an extremely non-transparent procedure and arbitrary evaluation criteria, the money seems to have been split based on the local authority’s political colours.


As representatives of civil society organisations, we object to the hostile takeover of the office of Ombudsman by the ruling parliamentary majority. We consider any attempt to bypass the Sejm and the Senate when appointing an acting Ombudsman to be a circumvention of the provisions of the Constitution.


The compromise made at the European Union summit in December 2020 does not end the battle to protect the rule of law in the EU. We present possible further initiatives for EU institutions, civil society organisations, European parties and member states.


After many weeks of wrangling, the EU summit brough a compromise over the EU’s budget and the rule of law mechanism. Is this result a success for Poland and Hungary or for their opponents?


Due to the degradation of the separation of powers and of the rule of law in Poland the risk of corruption increases. In the study we describe in detail the Polish government’s (anti-)corruption activities in 2015–2019 and present the way out.