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Debate: “Ukraine’s Road to the Rule of Law”
On behalf of the Stefan Batory Foundation and the office of MEP Krzysztof Śmiszek (S&D, PL), we would like to invite you to the debate “Ukraine’s Road to the Rule of Law. The EU Context, the Polish Perspective”, which will be held on November 7 in Brussels. The event is held within the framework of a project implemented by the Stefan Batory Foundation: “Challenges in Polish-Ukrainian Relations in the Face of Postwar Reconstruction”, which is designed to support Ukrainian aspirations for membership in the European Union.
The debate will be held on November 7 from 13:00 to 15:00 in Brussels at the headquarters of the European Parliament in Room: ASP 3H1. The discussion will be held in English.
The event is held within the framework of a project implemented by the Stefan Batory Foundation: “Challenges in Polish-Ukrainian Relations in the Face of Postwar Reconstruction”, which is designed to support Ukrainian aspirations for membership in the European Union. As part of the series of events and publications, we are focusing together with Ukrainian partners on various areas crucial to building a strong Ukraine in a strong EU.
One of the key aspects of the adjustment process, which is also the subject of an assessment of readiness for EU accession, is the rule of law and anti-corruption issues. Ukraine has been making efforts for many years – not without obstacles – to build the rule of law and institutional reform to guarantee the tripartite division of power. At the same time, it is implementing reforms that increase transparency in the spending of public funds and strengthening institutions responsible for fighting corruption. However, these are complicated processes that require determination and consideration of the geopolitical situation.
Ukraine can be inspired by the example of many Central and Eastern European EU Member States including Poland, a country that itself has already passed the road to EU membership but is also gaining new experience in the recent process of restoring the rule of law.
Registered participants will receive reports on Ukraine’s rule of law reforms and anti-corruption efforts prior to the event.
Please confirm your attendance by October 22 via email to [email protected].
Read a report outlining Ukraine’s main achievements in increasing state transparency and anti-corruption reforms from February 2014 to March 2024, and proposes further steps in this area: PDF and a report covering major legislative changes and trends in the judiciary in Ukraine from 2014 to September 2024: PDF.
Program of the event
13:00-13:05 Opening of the event
- Krzysztof Śmiszek (MEP, S&D)
- Krzysztof Izdebski (Stefan Batory Foundation)
13:05-13:20 Presentation of the report on Ukraine’s progress in building the rule of law
- Nika Kreidenkova, (DEJURE Foundation)
13:20 – 13:35 Presentation of the report on the state of reforms in Ukraine in the field of anti-corruption – Kateryna Ryzhenko (Transparency International Ukraine)
13:35 – 14:15 The Polish and Ukrainian path to the rule of law and building a state resistant to corruption
- Krzysztof Izdebski (Stefan Batory Foundation)
- Krzysztof Śmiszek (MEP, S&D)
- Małgorzata Szuleka (Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights)
- Kateryna Ryzhenko (TI Ukraine)
14:15-15:00 How should the EU support and cement reforms for the rule of law and against corruption in Ukraine and Central and Eastern Europe?
- Ken Godfrey (European Partnership for Democracy)
- Elianne Lambalk (Seconded National Expert, Ukraine Division, European External Action Service)
- Manfredas Limantas (Rule of Law Policy Officer at the European Commission, Ukraine Service, DG NEAR)
Invitation: Ukrainian Road to the Rule of Law Brussels 7 Nov 2024 (PDF)